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Sys-Tweak is A collection of miscellaneous mitms.

The use we need it for is intercepting the displayed game icon, essentially it swaps out the icon shown for a installed title with an icon in our atmosphere cfw located at


FEAT_NSAM_CONTROL : [5.1.0+] Mitm's ns:am2->GetReadOnlyApplicationControlDataInterface to override icon/author/version/name by title.

FEAT_NSRO_CONTROL : [11.0.0+] Same hook as above, but mitm target is ns:ro

Binary Download

Build switch-sys-tweak or alternatively use one of the links below of a pre compiled version.

Package Links: Tested on link up?
p-sam sys-tweak github artifact HOS 16.0.0 - AMS 1.5.2
A version I posted on GBATemp HOS 14.1.0 - AMS 1.3.2
HOS 16.0.2 - AMS 1.5.2
16BitWonder Github Repo Forked Version : AMS 1.0.0

Sys-Tweak setup

You need to rename the sys-tweak.nsp to exefs.nsp

Once you've done that place exefs.nsp in SDMC:/atmosphere/contents/00FF747765616BFF setup this folder structure and contents on your card:


toolbox.json is a settings file so sys-tweak can be switched off and on in the homebrew menu via a homebrew toolbox deepsea toolbox SDMC:/atmosphere/contents/00FF747765616BFF/toolbox.json

  "name": "sys-tweak",
  "tid": "00FF747765616BFF",
  "requires_reboot": true
boot2.flag should be a empty file!


boot2, which indicates that the program should be launched during the boot2 process.

once you have finished your sys-tweak folder 00FF747765616BFF it should like similar to this:

Pre Setup Archive of folder structure without sys-tweak

Alternatively I have the toolbox.json & boot.flag files pre setup here

simply copy the contents to the root of your sd card

you will still need to download and to rename the sys-tweak.nsp to exefs.nsp


Older Version

atmosphere 0.18.0 a pre compiled version can be found on GBATEMP to get custom icons working you will need switch-sys-tweak NSAM seems to work better if that crashes try the other version